[VM] デジタリゼーションプロジェクトリーダー(ロジスティクス )栃木工場/ Digitalization project leader (Logistics)_TgP



Tochigi Plant (TgP) is one of the major manufacturing locations in Japan for Vehicle Motion (VM) division with around 500 associates. We are further growing for the future with a good mixture of product portfolio including ABS/ESP, low pressure sensor, and iBooster2. TgP is an unique plant in that we have “Lead Manufacturing Function” in Motorcycle ABS, and we are coordinating and leading other plants for motorcycle ABS.

Logistics department plays an important role in coordinating overall supply chain starting from parts procurement, production planning and delivery to customer.

栃木工場(TgP)は約500人の従業員の皆さんが働く、日本のVMの主要工場です。私たちはESP/ABS、吸気圧センサーやiBoosterなどの製品を生産しており、さらに成長を続けています。また、TgPは2輪向けABSの「Lead Manufacturing Plant」を担っており、2輪ABSの他拠点をリードするという特別な役割を果たしています。



What you can expect

You can experience the dynamics of global supply chain by engaging yourself to the ever-changing logistics world. Overcoming challenges with your colleagues will be interesting to you. Not only will you get logistics expertise, but also you will extend your network through communication with a various stakeholders including overseas/suppliers and Bosch plants. You can feel your own growth through an exiting challenges. Particularly, Bosch is strategically focusing on digital transformation. For example, in logistics at Tochigi plant, we have introduced automatic transportation by robots and robotic process automation. In order to further accelerate our digital transformation in logistics, we would welcome talent who will take challenges and work together to develop new logistics through digitalization.

Your Responsibility & Tasks:

You will be assigned as a key planner for accelerating digitalization in logistics. Depending on your experience and aptitude, you may also be engaged in tasks involving production/procurement planning.

  • Digital transformation in logistics
    • Improvement of already introduced digitalization methods
    • New process improvement using digitalization tools
    • Support in Digitalization strategy development
    • Coordination of Digitalization trainings in logistics
  • Production/Procurement planner tasks
    • Production/Procurement planning and progress management
    • Order management and Interface to sales and overseas plants
  • Common tasks
    • Logistics KPI tracking
    • Improvement activities (quality, cost, delivery)





  • ロジスティクスにおけるDigital transformation推進
    • 導入済みツール運用の仕組み、改善
    • デジタルツールを使用した業務プロセス改善
    • Digitalization strategy立案サポート
    • Digitalization関連教育コーディネーション(計画立案と実施)
  • 生産/部品計画
    • 生産/部品計画および進捗管理
    • 受注/発注管理および海外拠点や営業、サプライヤーとのインターフェース、折衝
  • 共通業務
    • KPI管理
    • 改善活動の企画と実施(品質、コスト、納期遵守)



  • Language : Fluent in Japanese and Business level English
    • Preferable: English (TOEIC score >600)
  • Experience in logistics, manufacturing, purchasing or process improvement (preferable)
  • Experience in Automation is a plus
  • Knowledge in supply chain (or willingness to learn)
  • Passion for job and positive mindset (Challenging sprit to the new job)
  • Good communication skills and ability to work in team


  • 言語:日本語が喋れること、また、英語がビジネス上で支障のないレベルであること
    • 英語 TOEIC 600点以上(あれば望ましい)
  • IT部門・生産管理部門もしくは製造・購買・業務改革部門での業務経験(あれば望ましい)
  • 業務の自動化、自動搬送などにかかわった経験(あれば望ましい)
  • 物流・輸出入管理の知識 (もしくは積極的に学ぶ意志があること)
  • やる気・積極性・ポジティブマインドセット(新しい業務へのチャレンジ精神)
  • コミュニケーションスキル、チームで働く姿勢


TgP Logistics welcomes people from different background. Please join us and work together at the very front line of the production!

TgP 生産管理では、色々なバックグラウンドの方々にご活躍いただいています。生産工場の醍醐味を感じながら、是非一緒に働きましょう!

*TgP = Tochigi Plant

